No presents needed


Tomorrow is my birthday and my family, my friends and my boyfriend have asked me what I want for quite some time. If I have to be honest, I’m quite content with what I have. Well, my own apartment would be great, but I don’t want to be gready. However, I already know what most of my presents will be. My parents are looking for a new car for me (yeeeeey), Martin bought us tickets for London in March (yeey again) and my friends would probably get me a Dixit game (yeeey for those weeknights we don’t know what to do). As this is more than I’ve wished for, I was just thinking how our wishes change with time. Five years ago all I wanted was to go study in the UK. And shoes. Always shoes. Now I could’ve gone without presents. Ok, maybe not without the car, but now I prefer to give some things myself. Give effort in my work, give love to the people that matter, give more walks to Milo, give more time for traveling, give more energy in my blog, give a part of my resources (be it money or time) to charity, give lots of laughs, give my apartment a good  clean 😀 What about you?

29 thoughts on “No presents needed

    • Ouuu what a great early present! I’ll make sure to check Marco’s stuff, now that I know he has great taste in cars 😀
      I agree with your choices, books never get old and Top Gear is my guilty pleasure 🙂


  1. Wishing you a very happy birthday. May you also get a little surprise! A wonderful thought about giving, rather than receiving. For me, it is often enough to get a loving thought and a smile, and maybe a little time, from those I love. These are the little blessings in life. Oh, and chocolate – there is never enough receiving of chocolate 😉


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