Summer escapades


The human mind is a strange thing. It can be unnervingly slow when you’re trying to find your keys in the morning and you’re late for work. Or it can be surprisingly cunning when you need to find your way to the bartender to get a beer. However, the thing that’s most perplexing for me is my subconscious. I’m an avid dreamer, my mother says that even Alfred Hitchcock’s imagination has nothing on me. It appears that whenever it gets its chance, my inner self is taking me to some interesting trips. For the past few days it’s been the beach, the sea and the summer. Maybe it’s because it’s getting colder and, you know, “Winter is coming!”, but I’ve been thinking about seashells and golden sand. Or maybe it’s because I got to check my photos and I found these, from my last trip to the sea side. It was in October and the water was still warm, so I even got to dip my toes 🙂


