Tuesday roasted pork steaks with vegetables

I’ve been super busy with work this last week and finaly I have time to post my latest cooking atempt. It’s my first try with pork steaks and they were divine. Not that I’m bragging 🙂

They took more time than I’m used to when I’m cooking, but they were totaly worth it. 

Fisrt I seasoned the staeks with soy sauce, honey, mustard, freshly cracked pepper, salt, barbeque sauce and garlic and left them in the fridge for 2,5 hours to marinate. After that I peeled the potatoes and carrots and cut them in big pieces. I sliced the mushrooms, the onion and the garlic. Then I spred some oil on a large pan and put the vegetables and the steaks in it. I poured in water and beer, covered it with tin foil and put it in a preheated to 180C oven.


I checked it every 20 minutes and turned the meat to make sure it will be evenly roasted. After 1h 40min the meat and the vegetables were cooked very well so I removed the foil to get a good browning of the meat and left it for 20 more minutes.


And that was it – 2 hours and 4 delicious steaks. Bon apetit! 




  • 4 pork steaks (700gr)
  • 3 big potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 4 medium mushrooms
  • 1 small onion
  • 5 garlic cloves
  • soy sauce
  • Heinz barbeque sauce
  • cracked pepper
  • salt
  • olive oil
  • 300ml water
  • 100ml beer
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp mustard
  • dry garlic

Not a Liebster award post


Yesterday I found out I was nominated for a Liebster award by the satirical, sarcastic and super funny author of The Playground. For the record, I’m not a fan of the “blog award” thing. I was excited when I got my first one, but then I realized it’s more of a spam than a Pulitzer. However, I made a deal with my award-giver and I’m just going to answer the questions. The temptation was great, the questions – hilarious.

1.) Have you seen Alexader Skarsgård in True Blood, and if not, why not?

I have and I’ve drooled a lot because of his abs.

2.) Would you rather fight 100 duck size horses or 1 horse size duck? What’s your first plan of defense?

I’d take the horse size duck. I’d lure it with corn to the nearest lake. Because it’s as big as a horse it will simply drown. And now I’m sad 😦

3.) The olympics are just around the corner…besides the inevitable riots that will take place, what event are you most looking forward to?

Drinking beer and eating fries while watching.

4.) Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Sure, every third Friday of the month.

5.) If you could have one food only, for the rest of your life, and it wouldn’t be bad for you or have any ill repercussions whatsoever, what would it be?

Pizza. Always pizza. Forever pizza.

6.) What is your own personal favorite piece that you have posted that didn’t get nearly enough attention the first time around, that you would like to take this opportunity to plug?

I would have to go with “Christopher Reeve: The true Man of steel”. I out a lot of work in this tribute and I think his story is truly inspiring.

7.) If you were a desert island, what book would you be? (Yup, you read that right…just trying to mix up a standard question and get your creative juices flowing).

I would be one of the Phoenix islands and the Harry Potter series will order me (lame pun, I know).

8.) Have you ever played with a Ouija board? Think it worked?

No, I’ve always wanted, though. The closest I’ve got is summoning the Queen of hearts and my head is still intact, so I hope the Ouija is more reliable 😀

9.) What’s the oddest job you’ve ever had… You know the one that you did because you were young and needed the money?

I did interviews for a marketing company. It doesn’t sound very odd but I had to do very strange researches like “Do people need libraries”, “How much money rich people are willing to spend on cars” and “What time people spend speaking on the phone” and I had to speak with even wierder people.

10.) What Star Wars character are you and why?

R2D2- I’m small, cute and witty.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on these great questions 🙂

All the things that make me happy


If you’re bored enough to read my blog regularly, you probably know my interests. Today I’ve put together a little scetch of most of my favorite things. Music, movies, books, art and drawing,cars,  fashion, travel, Star Wars, fantasy and dragons, and beer:D I hope you’ll like it and I’d love to hear what are the things that put a smile on your face when you get up in the morning or get home after work.