Weekend dose of Churchill

I came to notice that since I’ve started blogging again I’ve showed you Churchill only one (here). And because he’s the funniest most adorable big fat puppy I think it’s time you see how much he’s grown up for the past few months. Moreover, I realized how much I’ve changed since we’ve got him. I’ve never been a morning person and I believe that nothing can change that. But now I get up not 10 min before I have to go to work but 1 hour and after the initial shock of waking up is gone I’m pretty ok with our morning walks. Another great thing is that now that it’s cold if it haven’t been for Churchill I wouldn’t move my ass out of the apartment. However, the best thing is when I come home from work and I see how happy he is to see me – that just makes my day. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my boy 🙂


Meet Churchill

I’ve always been a fan of grumpiness. Grumpy is my favorite dwarf from the Snow white fairy tale, Grumpy cat is my idol and House MD was my preferred show for a long time. So it’s no wonder that after I lost my dog 2 years ago, I wanted to get a brachycephalic puppy. And what is better than a grumpy, snoring and altogether cute English bulldog. Me and Martin had the idea of getting one for quite some time and we even had a name for him long before we were ready to become dog owners. As a matter of fact we both clearly remember strolling in London in March and passing by Winston Churchill’s statue. I thought Winston would be a great name for our future puppy, but Martin had the better idea of calling him Churchill. So three months ago we drove to a nearby city and got our bundle of joy. And since I’m back here on WordPress, I think it’s only fair to introduce him. Everybody, meet Churchill!


Small cow

My new job has many assets but one of the best things about it is that I can spend my breaks in the park with Milo. And when we went there yesterday I managed to capture him in action. The funniest thing, though, was a kid that saw Milo and turned to his Grandad: “Grandaddy, this dog looks like a small cow”! I guess he was right…



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My week on Instagram

Blink blink nails


Poze near my place

Milo is becoming a big boy and has new teeth that he puts to work perfectly


Three’s a crowd


My week on Instagram

I was at a friend’s birthday party and I decided it was time to vamp it up a little. This is my kit:


My amazing Grandpa clebrated his 85th birthday yesterday!


And as usual, Milo at his best


My start of 2014 on Instagram

A sleepy “Hello” from the chicnchillas in the pet store near my apartment.


Milo thought it’s his turn to drive the car to the park

Found this cool piece near my new workplace

Doggy playground

Yesterday we went for a walk in the park and finally Milo found dogs his size to play with. Not that a Ridgeback, a Husky or a Golden Retriever aren’t playful enough, it’s just their heads are as big as the whole Milo.


Hey there, big Bro!


You’re never gonna catch me!


Wait for me!


You play, I’ll chew.


The potential girlfriend Chara 🙂

My week on Instagram

I’m afraid I’m becoming one of those mothers that make Facebook profiles of their kids, and I’m sorry, but Milo is so cute I can’t resist. So here’s another one of his many photos:


This was his first big walk in the park and he liked this stick, 3 times his size, of course.

In respect to the upcoming holidays, I’ve been occupied with Christmas decorations, but I could never surpass my parents and the 5 meter tree outside their restaurant:
